
recipe for pink hair

up and at 'em at 6 am today, although the moving about the cabin portion of the being awake took a bit more time because it's soo darned muggy and hot! as of 7 am, it was, in the shade, 87 degrees and counting, and the thick cloud of mock-air looming just above our heads made it difficult to breathe. more so than usual. i'm not a huge fan of air-conditioning, so i smirk and bear it. we have fans on and curtains drawn in the house. but that was no match for mother nature, who is p.o.'d, obviously. so naturally, after returning from our brave-new-world workout, it was smoothie time! yippee, frozen excitement in my belly... berries and cherries and pineapple oh my!
it is so much easier to eat raw when it is warm. not just due the cooked food's actual temperature/heat, but because i just don't crave heavy sluggish-digestion producing foods. how someone could eat a plate of manicotti in this weather is beyond me, thank goodness. don't get me wrong, i do have fond memories of certain mega-cooked meals, although they may be dysfunctional memories resulting in bloat and such... which makes them only fond in flavor.
as a backlash re: the cravings i am having for things like marinara-soaked yumyums, i look forward to ordering a dehydrator sometime in the near future, and creating fabulous treats with the flavorful innuendo of cooked fare. so far, i have replaced the tofu-rich "ceasar's wife" dressing with my new favorite alternative- the "et tu brute'" dressing for the "mocking ceasar" salad. i mock him at least once a week. yum. he likes it.
also once a week is a cooked dinner. i had a couple last week, much to my chagrin. i can no longer tolerate cooked greasy appetizers which pass as food. yet although it tastes tasty it feels pasty... and bloaty + yucky... then it's back to square one. kale. when ever i feel crappy due to food choices- i rely on kale to help fix the funk. sometimes i indulge in too many sugars. (don't forget, fruits and sweet veggies like corn can make some of us ferment, and therefore you end up feeling bad. but i love you, prunes! so- this rawsome experiment is a creative process- one with the body and mind as well as emotions involved. so far- my mind is ace-ing this "test," my emotions are technicolorific and yet polite about it, and my body is reacting like i'm constructing a playground in a desolate and tumultuous city. you may walk past the site and know something is eventually being built there, but you are not quite sure what it is. it may even blend in with the rest of the weather-worn buildings. but in due time, it will be a lively space filled with energy and play, where there was none- or very little.
i was totally morose the other day when i measured myself, checking for any physical changes/progress. ( i, with the help of two close friends, demolished the scale that used to be such a burden to me. i felt it's judging eyes on myself whenever i stepped on- and they were mine. byebye scale.) i use clothing as my scale now, and the almost-as-depressing tape measure. i think i will wait a couple months before i measure myself again. (all that physically reduced was my bust-line... the only thing i wanted to stay. so sad.) this comparing thing- even with my former self, is a sure fire way to make myself go nutty and feel depressed. not good. i'll skip it.

so, what do you do when you need a lift?

one of my favorites is salon day, but most importantly... super-fun punk rock hair day!

erase those troublesome roots from view with this easy and fun recipe:

first, whip up some scrumptious blueberry-smelling high-volume bleach. next apply it to those pesky brown and blond bits creeping out of the scalp region. then make a fabulous salad for lunch. eat it slowly, and enjoyed it- topped lightly with a lush pesto vinaigrette. follow afterwards by emailing some peeps, then the rinse and shampoo your sizzling head. wait until the hair is almost dry, then add your favorite coloring creme, and comb through. red passion by the amazing manic panic is today's choice. delish. wait 4-12 hours, then rinse and deep condition for at least 15 minutes. don't forget to enjoy- it's not going anywhere anytime soon!

en root:

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